Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Okay, so now here's some poetry

Sad Title-less Poem (it's sad cause it doesn't have a title, not cause it's a sad poem...in case you were concerned)
I will bludgeon my brain with understanding until it is malleable as cookie batter rolled out on my kitchen counter, anointed with flour and nibbled at by tiny saliva slicked fingers until my mind is a sticky sheet of impressionable goo that I can place on your skull and mold to your crevasses and idiosyncrasies.
How else will I truly know you?

Babysitting Ani
I choke on destiny
like unexpected tears
as she explores
the metal rings of my spiral
notebook with her fingers,
commenting in that foreign language
everyone adores and ignores.
She turns it over,
wrinkling it, slaps it, feels the spiral again
and sets it down
by her dimpled feet
which rotate circularly
as she discovers
dulled play keys to gnaw on,
drool slipping down the key ring.

blooo fishes
There are blue fish that hide in pairs behind the lids of your grey eyes that slip to shut when she is close to keep the fish safe.      Perhaps those fish were burned by a past kiss and spent their days in a hospital bed far from your grey eyes.      Balms healed lipstick marks on their purple skin ‘til blue scales shone again and the fish returned to watch behind the lids of your grey eyes.    Their spines skimming your irises’ surface, the fish leap forth to glean the light that lives behind the lids of your grey eyes.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Not Poetry

     Black leather boots percussed the rooftop cement in quick succession. Just one pair. The laces of those boots flexed uncomfortably against on the calves of the sun browned boy as he pushed across the scraper. His lashes pressed to his cheeks, eyes tight shut, he neared the building's end. His heels didn't touch the ground, toes pounding only. They found the foot-tall ledge without pause. He leapt.
     Wind changed it's natural horizontal course to exclaim at him, gusting vertically past his ears.  That boy sucked it in and blew back. And he, beyond all rational explanation, flew.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Had a dream that there were two hills; one with an old sandstone house that looked to have grown from the out from the side of the hill, and on the other side was a magnificent and angry tree. The tree was twisted. It had been cruelly pruned in a crippling manner. The rocky valley between the two hills was full of groaning winds that made the place mournful.

I felt as though I belonged at the house. There was a warmth somewhere in its seams that met my heart. My family did not own the house but someday it was within the realm of possibility that we might. For now a housekeeper ran it. She was a gnarled, impolite old woman with a bizarre pink knit sweater. I say gnarled because she looked as though she had been grown out from the hill as well. Her back was hunched and knotted, as if roots had sprung from the small of her back and over the years grown up over her shoulders.

My father and I stood on the hill opposite of the house and admired it as the housekeeper hobbled out of the house, down into the valley and then up the hill to the tree. I didn't pay her any attention but the wind kicked up as soon as she crested the hill. The place moaned and creaked in the wind, great gusts that forced me to cling to the hill for fear of sliding down the rocks.

I looked up to see my father shouting at the woman "Don't pick those, you're making it angry!"

She was picking small red berries that grew at the tree's trunk, right below it's branches. The tree was, indeed, angry. It swayed violently and I realized that the wind and the groans were made by the tree itself.
The woman was not listening to my father, and across the hill, the sandstone house rattled. I then knew that the tree's roots stretched all the way from this hill, to that, and were holding the house in the hill.

"Stop it!" Called my father, "It will eat you!" I ventured closer to the tree.  The woman continued to gather the tender berries in her pink sweater. They oozed crimson juice when she touched them.

In the next moment, I was my father, screaming "Stop making it angry. It will eat you!"

Then the woman was gone. Swallowed. The valley was quiet and still. The magnificent tree regrew its berries in front of my eyes. The sandstone house stood empty.
I woke up.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I wonder who it is I am meant to be.

I close my eyes and see the branches of a tree as paths. I see nerve systems stretching out. I see a root system, and feel compelled to choose just one single strand. But I cannot foresee which branches go where. Which nerves end sooner than the others.
Then I wonder, what if I am not a single branch, but a trunk? What if I am not a solitary nerve, but a brain. What if I am not one root, but a flower.

We graduate from high school, and our relatives, friends and acquaintances all come to us with the same question; "What are you going to do?"

I am a writer. An artist. A gardener. A cook. A teacher. A traveler. A lover.

How can I tell you what I will do? To do so would be to tempt fate. To limit myself. To limit God. When he is finished with me, I will not be able to count the names I will carry.
Destiny is something greater than our plans. My hope is greater than my logic, which I am thankful for because I've never had much logic to begin with.

I cannot tell you. Because I do not know.
I do know that all the paths, every branch, nerve and root, they make us stronger.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Post-Nicaragua Post

I am heart sick. I'm almost positive it is common place to feel as such when a person's heart and mind have been stamped with moments in time that may never leave them, ever.

The world is so big, you know. And I feel I have no guarantee that I will ever....I don't know...I feel as though I will travel a lot in my life. And there are so many places to go....But I won't allow myself to think that. I won't, that's all there is to it.

Changing subject.
I prayed for this boy on the last night. He looked around my younger brother's age. I prayed for God's protection in his life. Prayed that he would seek God before he sought anything else. I prayed for whoever his wife will be. I prayed that God would order his steps and grow him up into the man he was destined to be.

ugh and it is so frustrating to try to describe this to you. there are no stinkin words. and this is when i hate writing, when it just falls short. i can't translate it. I cannot tell you how it felt to know that i was there to witness a glimmer of God's love for this kid. To be privileged enough to speak words of destiny into his life. To be part of his story and His story.

I cannot tell you how it felt to have the image of a tear rolling down his cheek pressed into my heart like some surgical stamper with supernatural ink.

I just can't. It doesn't translate. And I wish to all the wells of goody-goodness in the world that it did. And I wish I knew why it doesn't. I so wish I could just open up my chest, press my heart to yours and share it with you.....maybe i wouldn't feel so stinkin isolated then. It almost sickens me that I have to keep it to myself.

I finished praying for him and there was a hand on my shoulder telling me we had to go. We weaved our way out of the weeping crowd and someone spoke in english saying how unfair it was, and colors and shadows whooshed by. We were in the airport heading home.

Is this what postpartum depression feels like? I feel like I was torn from something amazing. Something that was just beginning. I want to see it grow.

I heard a few different people say that this trip took 9 months for a leaders to plan and was therefor not unlike a pregnancy. And like 2 days before we left I had this dream that I was really, really pregnant. I was huge. And the dream continued all night. I would wake up and fall back asleep and have the same dream that I was about to give birth at any moment. And I know a lot of people think dreams are really hokey, and you all have my permission to make whatever you will of this, but I was talking to the girls on the team and several of them had similar dreams around the same time.

I think that this trip was the birth of something in Nicaragua. I think maybe that's why it hurts so bad. Cause the baby is all the way down there. In good hands, but still really far away.

And my team. I miss all the sisters I suddenly gained on that first night. On the first or second night after we got back home, i woke up in a NyQuil induced stupor and tried to figure out how all 16 girls were sleeping in my tiny room. Then I woke up a bit more and realized that my room is in Omaha, not Nicaragua and that all of my team were home in their own beds.
And thusly I am separated from the only people who understand what happened down there. Who I don't have to translate to.

This morning I woke up and couldn't find my ipod....Sheer panic, sheer bloody panic. I tore through the house overturning throw pillows and moaning. I growled and gnashed my teeth and interrogated my poor family as to the whereabouts of my beloved ipod and then felt stupid because I went the entire duration of the Nicaragua trip without my music......But! It is rather different here. There's nothing to do, really. One must resolve to create stick people from sticks on the front drive or sing to the african violets in their shoes, or stare at the deck ceiling until you've located the hornets' nest in a crack, just there, in the corner....And these things cannot be done without the proper reinforcement of music. That's just how it goes.
Ten minutes later I found my ipod. Everything in the world was a bit sunnier.

Since we've returned I've pretty much been listening to the same song on repeat almost the entire time.
it's gorgeous and oddly fits how I feel right now. Since I am separated from what i love, I have this single-minded determination to work my behind off till I am able to return to it. Today I signed up for my first spanish class ever in which I shall attempt to atone for all those years I idiotically took french because I thought it sounded like elvish. *shakes head* Sometimes, I am the queen of dumb.
But what's done is gone and all I have is what's before me. Therefore, I am gonna kick butt in these fall classes.
I feel like Ivy in The Village, going through Covington Woods, to go the towns...I think it's time to watch that movie again.

....this is all coming out some much more lamerrrr than it sounded in my head.
I wonder if I am loosing myself in translation.
I have so much more that needs to escape but I can't seem to remember it all and I'm having enough trouble accepting the sad quality of what I've written already....oh well.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I feel like jelly without a jar right now. I am stuck to all these ideas, like how when you spill jelly it'll stick to every crevasse of the barstools sitting in your kitchen. Though I am firmly rooted to those ideas, like the jelly to the barstool, I am still without my jar. I have no defining shape.

This is upsetting to me.

This is true, particularly in the area of romance. I have attempted several blogs of late on the subject. I haven't been able to acquire the proper words with which to express myself. Despite that fact, this has been a subject heavy on my mind since I began attending Fresh Start. I believe that was like November of last year. So here we go again, attempting to exorcize my thoughts without having them emerge mangled and disproportionate.

I am a romantic. Most of my favorite movies are romances: Casablanca, Last of the Mohicans, The Fountain, The Village, The Painted Veil. The list goes on and on.

However, I have positively no experience in the area. In fact as a kid, I always swore I would never marry. My mind was focused on more important things, like life-threatening adventures, exotic lands and epic battles between good and evil, (y'know, the standard make-believe stuff.)

At church we had those purity seminars and I adhered myself completely to those promises. Dating anyone before I was at least in my junior year of high school was illogical. There was no purpose to do so. It was not as though I would marry a person I started to date in junior high, or high school. The chances of that were so very slim.

That doesn't mean it wasn't freakishly difficult. I hated myself at times for deciding to not date. There seemed to be a reoccurring theme in my life, where I liked a boy and, since I would not date, my best friend snatched him up. That happened a couple times, several different friends. My friendships have always recovered neatly, however. I had no reason to be angry. It was my decision in the first place.

I was always torn between my desire for a remarkable romance similar to the ones in all my movies, (there's a certain element to adventure in a romance, y'know,) the affection I saw in the culture around me, and what I believed was right way to operate.

It has been a while now since my graduation. I’ve considered myself free to date ever since I got my heart all patched up at Fresh Start. And now a whole new door opens, beyond which is the unmapped terrain of just the possibility of relationships.

I have no idea how to operate.

This fact makes me angry at that barstool of ideas that I got myself stuck to at such an early age. Although, I shouldn’t be angry. It’s not as though the barstool had any say in the matter. And it is not as though anything happens on accident. Being stuck to the barstool has also kept me from falling on the floor. Jelly gets stuck on the bottom of people’s bare, stinky, morning feet when it falls on the floor. Or it will get particles of crushed Rice Krispies permanently attached to its surface. Or dust bunnies.

It doesn’t change that I am completely awkward around men. Actually, the word awkward doesn’t even begin to describe it. And man, do I hate being awkward. It just makes me mad. It makes me wonder if I will drive everyone away with my stupid awkwardness. I hate that stupid thought.

(As a side note, I have words I could use other than “stupid.” But they are equally uncreative. So I’ll stick to the G-rated version.)

There isn’t one can really do about these things, I suppose. All the jelly can do is be happy where it is and wait. Maybe on a boiling summer’s day it’ll get hot enough, and the jelly will drip free all of its own accord….Role on down that barstool.

I apologize for that metaphor. That was ridiculous.

Anyhoozle. I believe that someday that might happen. And if it doesn’t, God obviously has another plan for me. And it’ll be good either way…I just have to keep repeating that to myself.

In the mean time, I know what I do not want.

I don’t want to be saved by a knight in shining armor; Jesus has done that already for me.

I don’t want to set out in search of husband. I will not put my lipstick smile on and parade myself around in search of the cure for loneliness. The suggestion that I should do so is quickly becoming my new pet peeve. God will provide and that’s all there is to it. I will not wake love before it desires so.

I don’t want to be the house-wife. With her apron on, a feather duster in one hand and a baby in the other. I don’t mean to offend anyone by saying this, but I simply refuse to conform to this lifestyle. Not because it’s prehistoric like all the feminists in all the movies say, not because it’s necessarily wrong, but because I would go crazy doing that. I would shake the baby and stab someone in the eye with the feather duster. It may be all well and good for some people; not me. I have a gypsy heart. I will move where I need to. And if a man is going to hold me down, I am sorry but my parents are going to have to wait a little longer for grandkids. That’s that.

If I am going to get married, I will be taking a partner in crime, so to speak. I will not be retiring my personality. O contraire. It will be to reflect one another, thereby making the personalities brighter.That's probably idealistic and naiive but at the moment I don't care.
I know there’s more, but I took a break to watch Jack Bauer and now my thoughts are all jumbled….Crud.

Well for now, that’s all I have to say about that.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe1_N7v6Wlc Newest romance movie that I heart. I've been watching this clip over and over for the music, which is from Last of the Samurai.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i must be getting better cause i am crying all the time lately....or maybe that has something to do with my hormones...but even when i was hormonal before, i didn't get emotional constantly. And y'know what? I don't mind. I actually prefer crying regularly. i figure if i cry all the time, one of these days it won't be any big deal to cry in front of strangers...which is something i have vowed to never do. i don't know why.

I want to get over that particular fear of man someday.

We watched The Rescuers the other night. I love that movie. Not like, love. And had to multi-task while watching it to keep from, yet again, crying. Because, well I don't know really, it reminds me of being a little kid. And also because it's about an orphan in awful circumstances, and what help does she get sent? Two mice.

But isn't that just like life? At least, in my case, the catalysts to my salvation was never in the screaming wind or in the roaring sea or in the growling rock slide or in the rumbling fire, but in whispers while I slept.

Sometimes kings aren't the ones to destroy evil, it's hobbits. Sometimes it isn't warriors that take down a tyrant of a queen, it's children. And in this case, it isn't secret agents who save the day, it's mice.


A few things come to mind when I watch this video. One: The look on the croc's face, right about 36 secs in, is exactly what my dog Bella looked like when she caught the scent of a rodent of any sort. (Rest in peace, Bella-girl. Chase as many heaven-squirrels as you like.)

Two: That Crocodile should consider quitting his guard-dog job in favor of an organ playing gig. He's quite talented.

Three: I relate to the mice. Not that I've been chased by crocodiles or hidden inside organ pipes, lately. But I relate to the feeling "Man, someone is out to get me!" And also, I feel mouse-like when it comes to helping people. Seriously, what can I possibly do to help anyone?

But the mice do help. And yes, I am aware that this is just a Disney movie. But at the very same time, God is bigger than my weakness. It's a fact. A beautiful, wonderful fact of life that makes me want to weep again for the second time today.

It's amazing. And so much bigger than me, and man, am I glad. Cause if everything depended on my spiffiness, we'd all be in trouble. A lot of trouble. Many of the trouble.

I have more to say about this.....but my brain has much snot in it. Uuuuuummm.

I relate to Penny, the orphan girl too. Sometimes I think I will always feel like a little kid in a world that's too big for her. And oddly enough, I'm okay with that.

And in a way, we're all orphans. Humanity is in search of meaning and a place to belong.

So the entire Rescuers movie is gripping for me to the point of ridiculousness and hilarity.

I'm sure I had something else to say, but i don't remember it now. I'm sposed to go to bed soon here any way. I apologize for this blog if it's impossible to understand. I blame the snot in my brain. I'm listening to Flyleaf at the moment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXJbO9GmQMM

It's also a new-ish thing for me to care about the people at church. (What?! Caring about church people?!??!) I've always been concerned for my best friends, but it's different for me to care about acquaintances and even just people who aren't necessarily best-ies, but still friends. I think it's cause I have put some much energy into worrying about myself and the people very closest to me that I shut out everyone else.

It's so cool to step back and say 'Whoa God, you did that too!'

Anyhoo, I am loving the lines "If one part is hurt, the whole body's sick. If one part mourns, we all mourn with Him." from that song.

I got this song going pretty constantly too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPKDfBdxkMM
Snow Patrol puts out some awesome tunes. I like em.

I think my grammar is atrocious tonight. I know I'm sick, cause I don't care today. Goodnight.

Monday, January 25, 2010

thinking out loud, as usual

*deep breaths*
When a person surrenders their addictions, that don't stop being an addict, right? It's my understanding that an addict is always an addict.

Confession is like detox. It's an exorcism and a release....and slightly more humiliating than I had originally estimated. But not in the way I had guessed it would be. I thought I would be rejected and looked down upon, encouraged to attend more therapy sessions, ostracized.
That's not what happened. I was accepted into a community of people who are dependant on the Blood of Jesus, just like I have chosen to be. A community of people whose pasts are wrecks that they have been rescued from and that they walk independently from today. Their burn outs and rock bottoms don't define them anymore. Just like how my past is. It's a community that sees all my missteps and says that they have been there too. All isn't lost....(Oooh, there is some awesome LOTR quote that I am dying to post here, if I could just remember it. This sounds like a good reason to have a marathon.)

The humiliating part is good. Because I don't ever want to get myself into a situation like that again if I can help it. I know that I'll mess up at some point, but I am trying extra hard now to remember to ask for help...I have a whole strategy to employ now when I'm tempted. And I fully intend to use my entire arsenal to keep from falling in that marsh again.

I didn't feel bad about what I was doing. I didn't. It wasn't out of guilt that I was compelled into action, I am an expert at explaining away my actions to myself.
It was because of the breath-halting knowledge that God was silent in my life. And I had moved on. It was only at night that I laid in bed and tried not to think about it, that I realized how horrified I was.

(I think I know how the prodigal son felt. It's so very odd to me that God call me daughter, when I don't deserve to be a servant of his. It hasn't quite sunk in yet.
The justice half of me is fighting it. There is no way this should be possible.
The other half suggests that perhaps I shouldn't worry about the justice of it all. It defies logic, yes, but if He's giving freely maybe I should throw myself into this and think about logic when the work is done.
I dunno...and I don't think I'm meant to know, right now.)

I didn't feel bad about what I was doing. But I do now....I feel awful. I know this is an answer to prayer because I was asking Him to make me feel terrible about doing this. And I do now. It keeps me from doing it again. I don't feel guilty about it. I feel sad. It makes me want to cry that I was ever involved in it to begin with.
I just have to keep remind myself that it is as far as the East is from the West. My new favorite verse is Romans 5:1. It says that I am justified, which means it is as if I had never sinned.
Still a little big for me to fit my head around.

I've been suffocating my addictions this past week or so. I didn't purpose to kill them all at once....that's just kind of how it went.
I started out with Facebook, reasoning that it should be easy enough. I knew that I would have to get rid of the stories that play in my head constantly, because they are my escape. I am dependant on them. Those are gone now. I knew I would have to do it soon by didn't think it would be this soon, honestly. Fanfics, also gone.....My days have suddenly become unnaturally long....
I can't be sleeping for hours on end because my stories helped me do that. I'd drift in and out of sleep with them riddling my dreams. It's difficult not to think of them, it keeps me awake in the mornings.
Darn, right? I was having sleeping problems anyway. But I do get to sleep at night faster, last few days. And I've been more refreshed. So it's not all doom and gloom.

It's occurred to me that I should be filling my days with something to replace the things I'm distancing myself from. Reading my Bible has been one of those things I should do...But I am one of the most unmotivated people on the planet. I procrastinate until I can procrastinate no longer. I is lazy. I am slightly interested now, though. I've read little verses here and there, lately and it's like I've never read any of the Bible at all before. It all seems new and purposeful to me now. So I am interested, which is new for me.

I need to be careful that my addictions are replaced with the right things and not the wrong ones....like blogging, for example.
signing off-

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Facebook Withdrawal

This...is more difficult than I expected. Various illogically fearful questions have zig-zagged through my brain such as "what if I think of a brilliant status update?!" and "what if someone important sends me a friend request and they think I'm ignoring them?!?!" and "how am I sposed to write my research paper rough draft without the moral support of my facebook friends?!?!??!?!!1!!"

And then I realize that this is all pathetic.

I have resolved to wait a week before returning to the lovely facebook. Just to prove to myself that I would indeed survive if zombies attacked FB headquarters. That means that on teusday of next week I will come back.
One day down!

I have considered recording all the statuses I come up with between now and then and recording them somewhere....but have thought better of it. I don't suppose it will do anyone any good having a notebook full of phrases like "Bree Reno likes to tear up paper." and "Bree Reno is writing this blog instead of doing her english homework." and "Bree Reno will most assuredly die of exhaustion one day, because she thinks instead of sleeps."
No one really wants to read that. Not if you're being honest.

While I am here, I may as well tell you that I am completely disgusted by how my female mind works. (I write all this in the most playful way possible, mind you.) I crush on someone and immediately, my mind flits ten years into the future and pictures us married and in a foreign country of some kind with lots of dust and days that rival the inside of a cookie-bakin' oven. That is so irratating to me! Obnoxious!
Why on earth would I think things so improbable and presumptuous about people I barely know? I have no clue.
I think it's cause I'm a girl. Similar to how guys can't help but use their eyes to judge things, I can't help my brain from getting ahead of itself.
The problem is that after I've thought these things, I always feel bad that I've dared to picture someone else's future. I don't know why. The future is just so out of my hands and not something I could predict if I tried, so I very rarely think about my own. . . But to consider someone else's seems almost like a sin. Like I'm breaking my own Cardinal Rule.
That probably makes no sense.
I guess it's because by picturing my crush in a future of my own imaginings I disregard whatever his dreams may be and set unrealistic expectations for everything that might be in store for us. Gosh, even using the word 'us' feels wrong.

Anyhooos....there's not much else i can justify putting off my paper to write. I leave you now with the lovely Gabe Bondoc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmHBu-pncmA awesomeness

au revoir ..... i guess ..... man, i don't want to write this paper.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I realized today that God does not operate like Superman. I also realized that in the past I've expected him to. And, as it turns out, God doesn't whisk down and save the day all the time. He is a little more subtle than that, in my experience. He also has a bigger plan that Superman does. All Superman does is react. God has a strategy, a master plan...

I am at a cross roads. I am nearing the end of my Passport program at Metro. I have one and a half more semesters there...or quarters...whichever. I am finishing with the swim school after this session. And a large gaping hole is left for my future to take place in. And, as is usual with me, I have no plans.

Recently I've been uncovering reality. I've been discovering how I cannot live my life halfway. I can't be a good kid part time. And I can't keep controlling particular parts of my life.
Certain things are easy to give up while others make me feel like that guy in the Bible who asks Jesus how to get to heaven and Jesus tells him to sell everything he owns and follow him. The dude couldn't do it. He walked away...miserable.

My everything that I don't want to give up is difficult to describe which is partially why I believe it's so hard for me to surrender it.
My imagination is my escape. It's my entertainment and my outlet. When I am upset, I write. When I am bored, I write. When I am confused, I write. It's my solution to many things.
Imagination has always been something that I've never truly given up to God. And I know it's become an idol for me. I've always shrugged it off, telling myself that it was impossible to know how much was too much. No one can preach much of a sermon on this type of thing because it's so personal.

I am always spilling my guts on this blog...and none of my guts are capable of lying. So I am being completely honest with you when I say that I do not want to give this up.
I know that it is not an option. Surrender is unconditional.
My feelings suck. My head wants to want this. I'm not sure what my deal is. Maybe I'm afraid that I won't have anything to fall back on. Or maybe it's just a horrible habit that has built up. I don't know. I probably don't need to know.
Right now, I'm praying that God would change my heart, that He would help me want to please Him. Because right now I am too comfortable.

That's the other thing. I think I might be meant to be a missionary somewhere. And I know that I'm just plain scared to do what I have to here. I am scared of phones, for one thing. I can't drive. I am a writer, not a doctor, not a language teacher, not a preacher, not a wife, not a business woman. (That's a funny order of things to be, is it not? It struck me as funny. But that's how they spilled out. *shrugs*) Heck, I don't even know the Bible that well. Anywhere I would go, I would be a burden.
I want so very badly to help someone with something. And I have accepted that at this point in my life I will accept the help from the people God sends my way as graciously as I can. And perhaps later I can give back. But as of now I have no money. No experience. And no confidence.

At the moment, I am rather overwhelmed and feeling on the hopeless side of things. There are so many problems that need fixing. So many hurts that have not been kissed better. Even if I was everything I wish I could be, I wouldn't know where to start.

There was a brighter side that I was going to right about, but it's late and I can't think of it at the moment....Oh, yes. For the first time in years, I am seeing stars in my dark night of the soul. I am catching glimmers of the God I was so close to as a child. It's not that he wasn't there before, I've just been blind for a really long time now....Or what seems like a long time.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnDvRRY5eT4 I am still listening to this gal. Brooke Fraser is awesome...Quite frankly, it is down right upsetting to me that no one knows about her. I love almost every one of her songs on her Albertine album. This is a completely different topic of which I will not even start on other than to ask why on EARTH Christian radio stations play the same ten artists over and over and over and over again? I do not know, George.

the end