I have been told...after watching the various chick flicks with the married persons of my chick-flick-watching-people...They laugh and say "That is so not how it is."
If this fact is true....and falling in love is not nearly as exciting and glorious and logic-defying as the movies say....................Well, I think I can deal with that. There are other things to live for right? Like sky diving and deep sea diving and other sorts of diving that involve danger and crazy adrenaline rushes.
I think, what I should do.....assuming this is true...is I should go to college. Minor in psychology. Miraculously get over my aversion to blood and study to be a doctor. Then I will go to some third world country and find employment at an orphanage.
This would seem good. And does seem good. Until I watch Pride and Prejudice again or read an amazing romance novel like I just have.....and I think to my ghost of a social life....meh. It is depressing how quickly I no longer want to get an education of any sort. How I want to wait here until someone finds me. I want to wait here and write about waiting. Similar to this. That is all.
I feel like it should be better defined. Like it should be black or white. Just tell me what it's like! Cause if none of it is as good as they say, I really don't want anything to do with it.
I don't want to get neck deep into some relationship and then discover that it's really lame...Like if all it chalks up to is the equivalent of sitting on the couch, watching football, and eating potato chips, figuratively speaking of course. I don't want that.
Good grief. These romantic stories scare me to death. I need to just stop thinking aboot it.
Okay, it's not like it's shown in movies, but that doesn't mean it's not AMAZING and AWESOME and CRAZY and COMPLETELY WORTH WAITING FOR. Movies, shmoovies. Life is soooooo much better. More difficult, yes. No happily ever after here on earth, but the adventure of loving is amazing and ever unfolding.
I think what the movies tend to fail to show is the 'seasons' of life. You'll have times where you click with your true love and times you don't...and then you look forward to the 'clicking' times again. It's all good when you can go with the flow and not let fear steal your peace...when you can have faith that the great times will come again and that your relationship is worth waiting and fighting for. Sorry... I got carried away.
Not that I have ANY experience being that I'm not married and have never been in love... I used to think you could fall in love like the movies, but now I'm not so sure.
I want it to. Meaning I want to fall madly in love with a guy that isn't perfect but willing to do life together no matter where we end up.
A best friend you can have more fun with ;)
Anyways, let me know how it goes for you. If it ever happens to me - I'll fill you in.
Either way it will be a story and probably good enough for a movie.
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