Thursday, November 13, 2008

What is the definition of forgiveness?

I want all y'all's opinion on what it is to forgive and what it's like when you forgive someone?
I'd like to know firstly because I think I've discovered that I'm doing it all wrong and secondly because I just find it interesting to know your opinions.

Give me what runs through your head after someone has just majorly insulted you or betrayed your trust and you forgive them. Tell me what you know.
Whether it be Bible verses, experienced based, or something you heard from your neighbor's best friend's sister' aunt who lives in Sweeedland that you think is interesting.
I want to know it.

Feel free to comment even if you opinion has already been articulated or if it differs only by two adjectives of the last comment.
The only thing I don't want to hear is the "right" answer, y'know the one that you've always been taught but haven't put much thought into. Thoughtfulness is the only requirement.

What does forgiveness mean to you? How do you go through the process of forgiving someone?

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